Source code for birding.twitter

"""Minimal twitter API shim using"""

from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import textwrap

from twitter.api import Twitter as BaseTwitter
from twitter.cmdline import CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET
from twitter.oauth import OAuth, read_token_file

from .search import SearchManager

[docs]class Twitter(BaseTwitter): @classmethod
[docs] def from_oauth_file(cls, filepath=None): """Get an object bound to the Twitter API using your own credentials. The `twitter` library ships with a `twitter` command that uses PIN OAuth. Generate your own OAuth credentials by running `twitter` from the shell, which will open a browser window to authenticate you. Once successfully run, even just one time, you will have a credential file at ~/.twitter_oauth. This factory function reuses your credential file to get a `Twitter` object. (Really, this code is just lifted from the `twitter.cmdline` module to minimize OAuth dancing.) """ if filepath is None: # Use default OAuth filepath from `twitter` command-line program. home = os.environ.get('HOME', os.environ.get('USERPROFILE', '')) filepath = os.path.join(home, '.twitter_oauth') oauth_token, oauth_token_secret = read_token_file(filepath) twitter = cls( auth=OAuth( oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET), api_version='1.1', domain='') return twitter
[docs]class TwitterSearchManager(SearchManager): """Service object to provide fully-hydrated tweets given a search query.""" def __init__(self, twitter): self.twitter = twitter
[docs] def search(self, q=None, **kw): """Search twitter for ``q``, return `results`__ directly from twitter. __ """ if q is None: raise ValueError('No search query provided for `q` keyword.') return, **kw)
[docs] def lookup_search_result(self, result, **kw): """Perform :meth:`lookup` on return value of :meth:`search`.""" return self.lookup(s['id_str'] for s in result['statuses'], **kw)
[docs] def lookup(self, id_list, **kw): """Lookup list of statuses, return `results`__ directly from twitter. Input can be any sequence of numeric or string values representing twitter status IDs. __ """ result_id_pack = ','.join([str(_id) for _id in id_list]) if not result_id_pack: return [] return self.twitter.statuses.lookup(_id=result_id_pack)
[docs] def dump(result): """Dump result into a string, useful for debugging.""" if isinstance(result, dict): # Result is a search result. statuses = result['statuses'] else: # Result is a lookup result. statuses = result status_str_list = [] for status in statuses: status_str_list.append(textwrap.dedent(u""" @{screen_name} --{screen_name} {text} """).strip().format( screen_name=status['user']['screen_name'], text=status['text'])) return u'\n\n'.join(status_str_list)
[docs]def TwitterSearchManagerFromOAuth(*a, **kw): """Build :class:`TwitterSearchManager` from user OAuth file. Arguments are passed to :meth:`birding.twitter.Twitter.from_oauth_file`. """ return TwitterSearchManager(Twitter.from_oauth_file(*a, **kw))
def main(): """Do the default action of `twitter` command.""" from twitter.cmdline import Action, OPTIONS twitter = Twitter.from_oauth_file() Action()(twitter, OPTIONS) if __name__ == '__main__': main()