Source code for birding.config

"""birding uses a validated configuration file for runtime details.

Configuration files use a `YAML <>`_ format. All values have a
default (below) and accept values of the same name in the configuration file,
which has a default path of ``birding.yml`` in the current working
directory. If needed, the ``BIRDING_CONF`` environment variable can point to
the filepath of the configuration file.

The scope of the configuration file is limited to details of birding itself,
not of Storm-related topics. Storm details are in the project topology

When a configuration value is a Python dotted name, it is a string reference to
the Python object to import. In general, when the value is just an object name
without a full namespace, its assumed to be the relevant birding namespace,
e.g. ``LRUShelf`` is assumed to be ``birding.shelf.LRUShelf``. Respective
``*_init`` configuration values specify keyword (not positional) arguments to
be passed to the class constructor.

See :ref:`production` for further discussion on configuration in production

For advanced API usage, see :func:`get_config`. The config includes an
`Appendix` to support any additional values not known to birding, such that
these values are available in ``config['Appendix']`` and bypass any
validation. This is useful for code which uses birding's config loader and
needs to define additional values.


    Spout: TermCycleSpout
      - real-time analytics
      - apache storm
      - pypi
      class: birding.twitter.TwitterSearchManagerFromOAuth
      init: {}
      shelf_class: FreshLRUShelf
      shelf_init: {}
      shelf_expiration: 300
      elasticsearch_class: elasticsearch.Elasticsearch
        - localhost: 9200
      index: tweet
      doc_type: tweet
      kafka_class: pykafka.KafkaClient
        hosts: # comma-separated list of hosts
      topic: tweet
      shelf_class: ElasticsearchShelf
      shelf_init: {}
      shelf_expiration: null
    Appendix: {}


import importlib
import logging
import os
import textwrap
from collections import Mapping
from io import StringIO

import travesty as tv
import yaml
from repoze.lru import LRUCache

BIRDING_CONF_DEFAULT = 'birding.yml'

SCHEMA = tv.SchemaMapping().of(
    Spout = tv.String(),
    TermCycleSpout = tv.SchemaMapping().of(
        terms = tv.List().of(tv.String())),
    SearchManager = tv.SchemaMapping().of(**{
        'class': tv.String(),
        'init': tv.StrMapping().of(tv.Passthrough())}),
    TwitterSearchBolt = tv.SchemaMapping().of(
        shelf_class = tv.String(),
        shelf_init = tv.StrMapping().of(tv.Passthrough()),
        shelf_expiration = tv.Optional(tv.Int())),
    ElasticsearchIndexBolt = tv.SchemaMapping().of(
        elasticsearch_class = tv.String(),
        elasticsearch_init = tv.StrMapping().of(tv.Passthrough()),
        index = tv.String(),
        doc_type = tv.String()),
    ResultTopicBolt = tv.SchemaMapping().of(
        kafka_class = tv.String(),
        kafka_init = tv.StrMapping().of(tv.Passthrough()),
        topic = tv.String(),
        shelf_class = tv.String(),
        shelf_init = tv.StrMapping().of(tv.Passthrough()),
        shelf_expiration = tv.Optional(tv.Int())),
    Appendix = tv.Passthrough())

CACHE = LRUCache(16) # size

[docs]def get_config(filepath=None, default_loader=None, on_missing=None): """Get a dict for the current birding configuration. The resulting dictionary is fully populated with defaults, such that all valid keys will resolve to valid values. Invalid and extra values in the configuration result in an exception. See :ref:`config` (module-level docstring) for discussion on how birding configuration works, including filepath loading. Note that a non-default filepath set via env results in a :py:exc:`OSError` when the file is missing, but the default filepath is ignored when missing. This function caches its return values as to only parse configuration once per set of inputs. As such, treat the resulting dictionary as read-only as not to accidentally write values which will be seen by other handles of the dictionary. Args: filepath (str): path to birding configuration YAML file. default_loader (callable): callable which returns file descriptor with YAML data of default configuration values on_missing (callable): callback to call when file is missing. Returns: dict: dict of current birding configuration; treat as read-only. """ # Handle cache lookup explicitly in order to support keyword arguments. cache_key = (filepath, default_loader, on_missing) if CACHE.get(cache_key) is not None: return CACHE.get(cache_key) logger = logging.getLogger('birding') if filepath is None: filepath = BIRDING_CONF if default_loader is None: default_loader = get_defaults_file if on_missing is None: on_missing = 'Looking for configuration file: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(filepath))) if not os.path.exists(filepath): # Log a message if filepath is default; raise error if not default. on_missing('No {} configuration file found.'.format(filepath)) if filepath != BIRDING_CONF_DEFAULT: # Stat the missing file to result in OSError. os.stat(filepath) config = yaml.safe_load(default_loader()) tv.validate(SCHEMA, config) if os.path.exists(filepath): file_config = yaml.safe_load(open(filepath)) if file_config: config = overlay(file_config, config) tv.validate(SCHEMA, config) CACHE.put(cache_key, config) return config
def get_defaults_file(*a, **kw): """Get a file object with YAML data of configuration defaults. Arguments are passed through to :func:`get_defaults_str`. """ fd = StringIO() fd.write(get_defaults_str(*a, **kw)) return fd def get_defaults_str(raw=None, after='Defaults::'): """Get the string YAML representation of configuration defaults.""" if raw is None: raw = __doc__ return unicode(textwrap.dedent(raw.split(after)[-1]).strip()) def overlay(upper, lower): """Return the overlay of `upper` dict onto `lower` dict. This operation is similar to `dict.update`, but recurses when it encounters a dict/mapping, as to allow nested leaf values in the lower collection which are not in the upper collection. Whenever the upper collection has a value, its value is used. >>> overlay({'a': 0}, {}) {'a': 0} >>> abc = {'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2} >>> abc == overlay({'a': 0, 'c': 2}, {'a': None, 'b': 1}) True >>> result = {' ': None, '_': abc} >>> result == overlay( ... {'_': {'a': 0, 'c': 2}, ' ': None}, ... {'_': {'a': None, 'b': 1}}) ... True >>> """ result = {} for key in upper: if is_mapping(upper[key]): lower_value = lower.get(key, {}) if not is_mapping(lower_value): msg = 'Attempting to overlay a mapping on a non-mapping: {}' raise ValueError(msg.format(key)) result[key] = overlay(upper[key], lower_value) else: result[key] = upper[key] for key in lower: if key in result: continue result[key] = lower[key] return result def is_mapping(x): return isinstance(x, Mapping) or isinstance(x, dict) def import_name(name, default_ns=None): """Import an object based on the dotted string. >>> import_name('textwrap') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <module 'textwrap' from '...'> >>> import_name('birding.config') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <module 'birding.config' from '...'> >>> import_name('birding.config.get_config') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <function get_config at ...> >>> If `ns` is provided, use it as the namespace if `name` does not have a dot. >>> ns = 'birding.config' >>> x = import_name('birding.config.get_config') >>> x # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <function get_config at ...> >>> x == import_name('get_config', default_ns=ns) True >>> x == import_name('birding.config.get_config', default_ns=ns) True >>> """ if '.' not in name: if default_ns is None: return importlib.import_module(name) else: name = default_ns + '.' + name module_name, object_name = name.rsplit('.', 1) module = importlib.import_module(module_name) return getattr(module, object_name) if __name__ == '__main__': import pprint import sys if '--yaml' in sys.argv: print(yaml.safe_dump(get_config(), default_flow_style=False)) else: pprint.pprint(get_config())